Private Universities In Kenya

This is a list of Private Universities in Kenya. They are approved by commission on higher education (CHE) and they offer various degrees, diplomas and certificates.

Click on the University to learn more.

Private Universities In Kenya:

1) Africa International University

2) Africa Nazarene University

3) Aga Khan University

4) Daystar University

5) East Africa School of Theology

6) Great Lakes University of Kisumu

7) Gretsa University

8) Inoorero University

9) Kabarak University

10) KCA University

11) Kenya Highlands Bible College

12) Kenya Methodist University,KeMU

13) Kiriri Women’s University of Science & Technology

14) Pan Africa Christian University

15) Presbyterian University of East Africa (PUEA)

16) Scott Theological College

17) St. Paul’s University

18) Strathmore University

19) The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

20) The Nairobi International School of Theology

21) United States International University-Africa

22) University of Eastern Africa - Baraton

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