Nairobi University Courses and Programmes.

The following are Nairobi University Courses and Programmes. that are on offer.

Nairobi Nairobi University Courses that lead to Bachelor of:

* Architecture

* Arts (Anthropology)

* Arts (Arabic)

* Arts (Archeology)

* Arts (Building Economics)

* Arts (Design)

* Arts (Economics)

* Arts (French Studies)

* Arts (Gender and Development Studies)

* Arts (Geography)

* Arts (German)

* Arts (History)

* Arts (History)

* Arts (Journalism and Media Studies)

* Arts (Kiswahili)

* Arts (Land Economics)

* Arts (Language and Communication)

* Arts (Linguistics)

* Arts (Philosophy)

* Arts (Planning)

* Arts (Political Science)

* Arts (Psychology - Counseling)

* Arts (Public Administration)

* Arts (Religious Studies)

* Arts (Social Work)

* Arts (Sociology)

* Arts (Tourism)

* Arts (Urban and Regional Planning)

* Commerce (Accounting)

* Commerce (Finance)

* Commerce (Human Resource Management)

* Commerce (Insurance)

* Commerce (Marketing)

* Construction Management

* Dental Surgery

* Economics and Statistics

* Education (Arts)

* Education (Early Childhood Education)

* Education (Islamic Religious Education)

* Education (Science)

* Laws (LLB)

* Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

* Nursing Sciences

* Pharmacy

* Quantity Surveying

* Science (Actuarial Science)

* Science (Agribusiness Management)

* Science (Agriculture)

* Science (Agriculture, Education and Extension)

* Science (Astronomy and Astrophysics)

* Science (Atmospheric Science)

* Science (Atmospheric Science)

* Science (Biochemistry)

* Science (Biochemistry)

* Science (Biology)

* Science (Biomedical Technology)

* Science (Botany)

* Science (Chemistry)

* Science (Civil Engineering)

* Science (Computer Science)

* Science (Computer Technology)

* Science (Education Science)

* Science (Electrical and Electronic Engineering)

* Science (Environmental and Bio Systems Engineering)

* Science (Environmental Conservation and Natural Resource Management)

* Science (Environmental Geoscience)

* Science (Food Science and Technology)

* Science (Food Science, Nutrition and Dietetics)

* Science (General)

* Science (Geology)

* Science (Geospatial Engineering)

* Science (Human Anatomy)

* Science (Industrial Chemistry)

* Science (Industrial Chemistry)

* Science (Management of Agro ecosystems and Environment)

* Science (Mathematics)

* Science (Mechanical Engineering)

* Science (Medical Physiology)

* Science (Meteorology)

* Science (Microbiology and Biotechnology)

* Science (Microprocessor Technology and Instrumentation)

* Science (Nursing)

* Science (Physics)

* Science (Physiology)

* Science (Range Management)

* Science (Statistics)

* Science (Veterinary Medicine)

* Science (Wildlife Management)

* Science (Zoology)

Nairobi University Courses that lead to Diploma in:

* Adult Education and Community Development

* Animal Health and Production

* Armed Conflict Studies in East Africa

* Business Management

* Clinical Audiology and Public Health Ontology

* Clinical Psychiatry

* Criminology and Social Order

* Crop Protection

* Cultural Resources Management

* Cultural Tourism

* Early Childhood Education

* Epidemiology

* Guidance and Counseling

* History

* Human Resource Management

* International Studies

* Natural Resource Management

* Philosophy

* Psycho trauma

* Psychoactive Substance Abuse

* Public Relations

* Real Estate Agency and Property Management

* Religion and Society

* Sales and Marketing

* Social Work and Social Development

* Strategic Studies

* Youth Development Work

Nairobi University Courses that lead to Post graduate Diplomas in:

* Actuarial Science

* Adult Education and Community Development

* Agricultural Information and Communication Management

* Aviation Meteorology

* Care and Management of Heritage

* Clinical Psychology

* Computer Science

* Control and Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections

* Cultural Studies

* Disaster Management

* Distance Learning

* Education

* Education (External)

* Energy Management

* Gender and Development

* Geographic Information Systems

* Human Resource Management

* International Studies

* Journalism

* Management of Heritage and Museum Collections

* Mass Communication

* Medical Research Methodology

* Meteorology

* Nuclear Science

* Operational Hydrology

* Population Studies

* Project Planning and Management

* Psychiatric Social Work

* Psychoactive Substance Abuse

* Sociology

* Strategic Studies

* Tropical Diseases

* Women in History

Nairobi University Courses that lead to Certificate in:

* Adult Education Community Development

* Advanced Arabic

* Advanced Kiswahili

* Agricultural Information and Communication Management

* Applied Epidemiology

* Artificial Insemination

* Business Management

* Chinese Language

* Counseling

* Dairy Management

* Drama and Theatre

* English

* Epidemiology and Disease Surveillance

* French

* Guidance and Counseling

* Italian

* Kiswahili

* Management Skills

* Maths for Business and Economics

* Open and Distance Learning

* Personnel Management and Industrial Relations

* Philosophy

* Policy Planning and Implementation

* Poultry Management

* Public Relations

* Purchasing and Supplies

* Religious Studies

* Renewable Energy

* Sales and Marketing

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