Hate being boss? Here are some 10 tips to help you cope.
Why does every senior person say they hate being boss? Many people want to be the boss because most people are drawn to power, status, and money. (I welcome being corrected on these one).
Everybody loves power and the strings that come attached with it. The tragedy is not all of us love being managers/ bosses. Some people never dreamed of being a boss at all.
They just kind of got promoted up there. And, while they like the extra money, they might not really like all that comes with it.
First unless you own the company, there will be other managers/ bosses, like the CEO, the MD, the board, the shareholders e.t.c. That’s one source of problems.
The other of course is the group under you. Those always discussing you, undermining you and always whining about you. Before you know it, you will be feeling miserable and trapped in that management hole.
You really relish the days when you were not one and you start hating and cursing the day you became a manager. Don’t worry, you are not alone.
Am going to go through with you some basic steps that will make you not hate being a manager or a boss.
a). The cardinal rule is; delegate. Period. You don’t have to perform all tasks by yourself. By delegating you have to delegate effectively.
Monitor and follow up on work done to ensure its being done properly, work with people you delegate to, get people who have capability, will and skills to perform the task to delegate to.
b). Be a team player. By delegating does not mean you can’t do the task. Sometimes show you are part of the team and perform a task, but don’t micro-manage the employees. Commend them and part them on back when they do a good job but critise them in private (link to being good manager)
c). Sharpen your leadership skills. Undertake training in training, leadership and even coaching (you don’t have to obtain a masters degree on the same; learn the basics). Review your skills with other managers. Peer review.
d). Consult. Being a boss does not mean you have a monopoly of ideas. It’s always good to consult the people below you and above you when you are undertaking a major decision.
e). Maintain open communication channels. Communication both up and down should be open and should be two ways. Don’t rely on office gossip as means of communication. Make everybody feel valued by being informed and feel as part of a team.
f). Hey who said when you become a manager/ boss you; loose your sense of humor. I encourage managers to crack jokes with employees and managers above them. This helps in breaking down communication barriers and keeps people involved and not feeling left out, when you communicate freely, you won't hate being boss.
g). Have surprises to employees.
Think of what would make you feel appreciated and loved and part of a team. Make it part of your routine, but not everyday.
h. Listen to people. Don’t ignore even those minute details, they matter to them and that’s what will lift their spirits. You won’t hate being boss any more.
I met a lady from a soft drinks giant company in Nairobi. As we sat down it was apparent the lady was in high spirits and I asked her, what it was. She said something that left me thinking.
She said…………… “This morning I went to my boss’s office. After emptying the out try, she asked me to have a sit. I thought I had done something stupid and I was being lectured on.
To my amusement, he started asking me about my kids, how they were doing, what classes they were in, how their school progress was…blah, blah, blah…..i was so happy n felt touched by my boss…”From the statement, the boss did something that made the lady feel like an achiever, feel like she matters, feel like somebody cares. Make it a habit.
i). Allow a free work environment. Treat employees like adults not like children. Don’t ban personal emails, (of course when productivity is lowered by these freedoms, you can curtail them like when employees spend endless hours on facebook chatting) don’t monitor every move of the employee. They will feel threatened and might lower their productivity, they will sabotage you and you will hate being boss forever.
j). Don’t make it a habit of meeting people when there are crises. Have regular meetings and let people make contributions and follow up on their contributions. Make them feel appreciated and wanted, and you will never hate being boss.
k). Allowing people to contribute does not mean you stop being creative. Be creative and come up with new ideas.
Of course, if you really are miserable and nothing you do helps, then maybe it’s time for you to think about changing jobs and/or even not being a boss any more. Not everyone is suited for the role.
Why stay miserable when you could change your life for the better?
Is there something else you’d rather do? Another company? A slightly different role? Would going back to school help open things up for you? Or maybe even some volunteer work that could lead to eventual change – or just a chance to do something you feel good about.
Oh, I know we all have obligations and I also know change is hard…but it’s even harder 5 years from now when your health has deteriorated and your misery index is through the roof. Now is the best time to do something to help yourself about hate being boss.
Even if it means a cut in pay, you’ll work your way up again, but this time doing something you actually enjoy. Won’t that be a nice change!
And whether you stay or not, don’t forget to feed your spirit with things you love.
Well, maybe you’ll never love being a boss. But with a few changes maybe…just maybe…you won’t hate being boss anymore.
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